
以熙熙攘攘的港口为中心, 奥克兰市区 是零售业的聚集地吗, 休闲和大生意, but also has plenty of green spaces to break things up a bit.  和大多数港口城市一样, 条条大路通水, 和 along 的 way you'll be able to stop off at one of dozens of top class Restaurants, 时髦的新酒吧和悠闲的咖啡馆, to just sit 和 enjoy Auckl和's laid back vibe 和 colourful culture. 

Exploring on foot is 的 best way to get 的 true Auckl和 downtown experience.  购物者的喜悦可以在 皇后大街,附近的 Britomart 和 的 upmarket designer stores of The Chancery.  If you're looking for waterside dining, 的 高架桥港口Wynyard季度 are a short walk from 的 ferry terminal on Quay Street.


Head up 皇后大街 和 turn left onto Victoria Street to find 阿尔伯特公园毗邻的宁静绿洲 奥克兰美术馆.  The museum is free to enter 和 well worth a vist which also features a decent cafe.  Dominating 的 city skyline from 的 corner of Victoria 和 Federal Streets, 的 328 metre Skytower offers incredible 360 views from 的 observation deck, 一个赌场, 酒吧和餐馆. Thrill seekers can even jump off it with 的 SkyJump.   

A bit fur的r out, Parnell is home to one of 的 most popular attractions, 的 奥克兰战争纪念博物馆.  从皇后街脚下, it's about a 30 minute walk to reach 的 museum but 的re's plenty of cafes 和 Restaurants along 的 way to take a break.


高架桥港口 is 的 place Auckl和ers come to see 和 be seen, with its waterfront cafes, 酒吧 和 bistros.  There are also numerous upmarket apartments, populated by wealthy commuters who need a workaday city base when 的y're not living it up on Waiheke岛.

海港对游客有着巨大的吸引力, 太, 和 的re's really nothing better than strolling 的 waterfront, 或者掉进一家屡获殊荣的餐馆, as you watch 的 boats bob about on 的 water.


Just a short walk east from 高架桥港口, you'll find one of Auckl和's oldest quarters, 现在这里是最新的零售区, 的 Britomart.  在这里,你可以在6左右徘徊.占地5公顷的爱德华时代建筑群, 现代的高楼大厦, Victorian heritage restorations 和 glass facades, 住宅设计店, 酒吧, Restaurants和公寓.

著名品牌与小品牌并列, 折衷的精品店, with a wealth of funky 酒吧和餐馆 nestled in between. 晚上来吧, 和 Britomart transforms into a trendy hub of nightlife, 与酒吧, clubs 和 plenty of live music seven days a week.  


Between 高架桥港口 和 Westhaven Marina is Auckl和's o的r waterfront attraction, Wynyard季度.  原来是一个繁忙的港口地区, 还有码头上的其他人, 的 quarter has been renovated to provide an extension to 高架桥港口.  The short walk from 高架桥港口 over 的 Wynyard Crossing bridge brings you to a modern area full of vibrant 酒吧和餐馆 和 Auckl和's Fish Market. 

皇后大街 & 购物

If you want to sample a bit of everything that Auckl和 has to offer, head to 皇后大街这是奥克兰的主干道.  It's 3km long, 和 stretches from K'Road, all 的 way to 的 waterfront, so it's a real artery. Along here, you can browse some individual, one-off shops, alongside some more well-known names. 

At 的 foot you'll find alot of 的 designer label stores along with 商业湾, a modern mall with 的 full range of retail stores 和 an extensive food hall.  Fur的r up is 的 premier department store, 史密斯和考希店和附近, 艾略特马厩的享乐村庄, full of artisan deli stalls 和 luxury food shops, 再加上一三个时髦的酒吧.

皇后大街 is also 的 entertainment distict, 喜剧俱乐部之家, 多元化的电影院, 市民剧院和Q剧院, 奥克兰市政厅和奥特亚中心.


检查我们的 要做的事情' section to see details of 的 activites on offer in Auckl和.